August 17, 2010

Hey! It's been a while.

Sorry guys! I would post more often, because I do have things to post, I just get really lazy. :\ I guess thats not a very good excuse. ahaha. Well I probably should do them right after it happens because I forget if I don't. Well I'm gonna sum up thing that have happened to me while I was gone.

I went to Vegas for three days. I went from a Sunday-Tuesday about a week ago. It was fun. The first day we left the house around noon and got there around 4. I went with my family. It was to visit my uncle who just moved there. We did all the normal tourist things there Monday. watch shows eat....alot. like buffet breakfast, lunch, and dinner. ahaha. and I bought clothes :] and Tuesday we at breakfast, visited my uncle one last time and then left at like 2. and got home at like 6. <---and that was Vegas in a nutshell.

I went to the OC fair...actually just yesterday. It was cool. I left around 11:30 to get there and got there at about 12. I went with my bestfriend. I got to see Luciano there :] It made me happy. not for long though. :\ We went on rides and stuff. and ate unhealthy food. aha. we met up with some more of my friends. my best guy friend and his girlfriend. they are so cute makes me want to puke :D not really. I love them both.

So those were the highlights of my summer so far. ahaha. the rest of the time was just filler days where I pretty much just lazy around the house. :\ aha. well I start band camp on the 23rd, and school on the 7th. and thats all I have upcoming so far. ttyls!

Be happy, healthy, sane...or not.

July 27, 2010

Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to

Uhhh...who was this person...I'll just think of a person that gave me a pinky promise.

Dear Caitlin,

Hi. We need to hang out more. I love you, you silly goose. you're so fun to be around. Thought your intolerance and constant blah can sometimes get on my nerves, I wouldn't want you gone. We are cool people. We should do something. effective immediately. mostly because I am really really bored. I kinda just feel like typing random things...awhifuakbhwsdguhanhefskuhfsnwdkah. thats a new word I made up for you in your honor. ahaha. that and zerbergloobermiyan. yup yup. cool kids indeed. I'll see you soon hopefully.

Hey. Temporarily back to notifiy.

Well if you have read my last post I decided to take a break from blogging for a while. Nothing is really up, I just didn't feel like typing the same old boring thing over and over again. I mean I'll still blog, but probably not everyday unless my life becomes remotely more interesting. All I do since it's summer break and I can't really leave the house a significant distance is watch tv, eat, and sleep so...I'll just update you guys on fun days. And I'll finish up the challenge post day per on those days I do blog. like today for instance.

Until later.

July 20, 2010

Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times

So I've been gone the last couple of days. and I've missed like two days. I decided I'm just going to pick up from where I started and continue from there on. no need to catch up. its not like it has a impending due date. ahaha.


I tend to avoid this drama filled like stuff because I greatly dislike frustration, and stress. Also the person that was currently going throught the worst times I know just resolved them, so...I dont have really anyone to write this to...I'm sorry to those I know that are going through pretty bad times right now, but I'm probably just not close enough to you to single you out as one going through the worst times, so...yeah.

Sorry Sorry Sorry

Sorry you guys. I havent really gotten into blogging these past couple of days ahaha. I apologize. Well I decided to write about today and then two short summaries of what happened on the days I have gone.

So today I woke up and headed to my friends house. We just kind of chilled pretty much the whole day. We played Wii a little, and some other misc. things, like taking many many pictures and random crap like that. We had carnitas for lunch. yummy. and we talked and pretty much chilled until about 6pm, I had to leave and go to the market with my grandma. She needed to go get some rice, while I went to get some fastfood dinner. ahaha. I really didn't do much of anything today...
Day Before Yesterday
Well the day before yesterday. I kind of just chilled, and talked on skype and watched tv all day until about 7. My cousins came over and we had an awesome time. My cousins are great. We played House of the Dead 2&3 on Wii, and shot zombies. Yippie. ahahaha. :D and we played Mario Party 8, which was pretty fun. They left at 11pm. I hope I get to hang out with them soon again. :] I dont get to see them to often anymore.
Yesterday I pretty much spent the whole day with my dad sister and stepmom. We went to lunch at the Osaka Buffet. yummy. and then I went to get a haircut down in Westminster. Now my hair is kinda short, but I like it. Ahaha. After we went grocery shopping and then home to cook a post-grocery shopping meal. Post-grocery shopping meals are usually the best/strangest/various. There was sea snails....prawns, and other misc. things. ahaha. After I went to sleep because I was so tired.

July 17, 2010

Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory

Wow! I don't really have a favorite memory because they are just so many but I know the people who gave me my best memories.

Dear Friends&Family,

I love you guys. I can't possible choose a favorite memory ever because you guys just make so many great memories day by day. Eventhough at times we have had our struggle. :P I only hope you guys will make more great memories to come. I hope I leave you guys with fond memories too. On to better days, and more memories, right? Yes! of Cousre.