June 28, 2010

What?! a third post?!?!

Well normally I would have ended it by now for the night, but I have a treat for you guys. I'm having a secret anonymous blogger, post something that they sent to me that I have agreed too. Its a letter kinda thing. Enjoy. Its kinda long, but that to make up for mine being so short today.

dear xxxxxx, (for my friends sake i X'd the name out,which the person who they are writing this to will never see it here anyways)
why hello there :) oh my, i can’t believe it’s been a year already! time sure does fly. i remember when i first met you, and i thought you were like a straight up gangster. the first thing you said to me somehow incorporated balls, fuck, and your mother in one long, angry, profanity filled sentence. it was terrifying. i thought you must have been a delinquent child who drank raw eggs for breakfast and killed spiders with his bare hands. but in retrospect, i’m happy that i decided not to run far, far away from you. i’m so super glad that we got to become friends and i really don’t know what i’d do without you! no, seriously; i’m not just saying that. you totally make my life. though to be quite honest, so does hand sanitizer. ( but don’t feel like that’s of equal worth of you because that’s not the point(: ). you are really quite amazing because if i could somehow bottle your witty social criticism, i would have a weapon of mass destruction in my hands. and if i could somehow videotape you and that one german exchange student talking together, i would be able to sell that shit like porn because apparently everyone wants to marry your accents. but on a more serious note, i also want you to know that you’ve really been an amazing friend to me. don’t think that i take you for granted, because even if i don’t often tell you, i really do count my blessings in having you. so don’t think that i don’t have reasons cuz i’m about to bore you with some of them! like i love how you look out for me and care about my happiness and i know that i've told you this a million times before, but i love how we’ve reached an understanding where we can basically tell each other anything without worrying about awkwardness. and i love how i can act like a total idiot around you and not give a damn because i know that you’ve already accepted me. ( right!?!?!?!(: ) cuz you make me feel special even when i’m being all insecure and brought me chocolate when i had cramps and a bagel when i was hungry, and you can always make me smile even when it’s the last thing i want to do! so thank you times infinity for all of that :b you always bring out the best in me, whether it’s from believing in me even when i don’t believe in myself or not letting me get away with one of my lamer than usual jokes :) and whenever something happens to me, whether it be something horribly unexciting ( like me sneezing ) to something totally awesome ( like my foot falling asleep ), you’re always the first one i want to share it with. and you’re also the one that i turn to for support when something mega sad happens and the one i go to for advice when life's being a bitch. and despite me failing miserably at things like knowing that rome is not a country, you still stick around, and i’m 99% sure it’s not just to make you look better by comparison. probably. although if it is, i’ll have you know that the only reason i hang out around you is in case hell grades on a curve. so yeah; thanks so much for taking the time to get to know me and thanks for wandering into my life and letting me in yours. i love laughing with you over random stuff and us sitting at home on friday nights with just each other for company and our super long chat marathons and you walking for forty minutes in the extreme heat to come over to my house just to sit with me for eight hours and me sneaking out of bed to be there with you late at night as you try to finish your direct the day that it’s due and and teasing each other when we make a weird noise and watching mexican sports together and sitting in front of our computers without pants on saturday mornings and everything. yep; we've had so many good times together; even if they seem normal or boring, they're always fun just because i'm with you! :) so even though i’ll call you dick and loser and stuff, i want you to be sure that in the end, i’ll always be there for you and if anyone really calls you a failure, i will kick their butt to jupiter. [:therefore it is of my sincerest hope that you do not acquire malaria and die a slow and painful death and have your body fall on a nuclear missile button that blows you up to hell. that would be a bit depressing. the world would have suffered a great loss because i know that you will go far in life, my friend :) i believe in you and your abilities and i wish you all the happiness and good fortune in the world as you go out there and live out the rest of your life in the amazing way that you do. i feel so grateful for being lucky enough to be blessed with your presence, and my life has really been changed for the better because of it! you've left your footprints in my heart :) and they are rather large because of your ginormous feet. you are effing brilliant, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. you bring excitement to my day and i'm always super happy when i see that orange bar that means you've chatted me on gmail. i know that the stuff that i say sometimes falls flat and i can be hard to deal with and i'll complain a lot and i have bad taste in music and i'll speak in espanol to get on your nerves and i'm never the funniest or most exciting person to talk to, but despite that, you've still always been here with me and i really really appreciate that; like you don't even know. sometimes spending time with you is like being on poprocks and soda and five hour energy, and sometimes i'm just laying there listening to the still of the silence as you breathe out and i breathe in; but whatever it is, every moment is always super special. i won't ever forget you, because you'll always be a part of me; you are an irreplaceable person and if it wasn't for you, i would never be who i am! AND I WAS THINKING MAYBE SOMEWHERE LATER DOWN THE RO-O-O-OAD, AFTER ALL OUR STORIES HAVE BEEN TO-O-O-OLD, I'D SIT AND THINK OF YOU, A DEAR FRIEND I ONCE KNEW! SHOT THROUGH MY LIFE LIKE A SHOOTING STAR :) ( a song we learned in ourdoor ed in sixth grade :D ) so you must admit, mr. xxxxxx, that you are really something special. you're like that pop star that can actually sing. thank you for (here comes the more serious part again) your open mind, your honest concern, your laid back attitude, and your lack of judgement, your respect for my ideology, your patience, for all the inane, absurd things you tolerate, and just for being so ubiquitously nice. because even if you don't believe it, you really are a nice guy. this, above all, i am sure of. you do have credibility in this society and your well deserved vindication is coming. ( see my tumblr post on nice guys! ) i really hope you can take this to heart because you really don't believe in yourself enough. you always say that my opinion of you is too high, but i really do believe that you deserve it. you are really brave and have come so far and you are really quite warm. i admire your ap pep speech and how you help people with chem and how you always have something to say and how you can be blunt and do things your way without caring what other people think. that takes a lot of individualism! i could go on and on about your countless virtues and the random details about you that make you so out of this world, drop dead wonderful. and i just really hope you know that underneath your armor of seemingly dominant arrogance and apathy, i know that you really do have a moral compass and you are more than capable of good things, gentle things, even magnanimous things. you are so loyal and i know i can trust you with anything. don't let anything or anyone hold you back! i'm really looking forward to us learning more about each other and becoming even better friends. every day, you're able to surprise me with something new, and that's really something to be amazed of. so i hope we can see each other soon and make more memories! i remember on black friday when we went to the [insert outdoor mall of place here] and when we were watching 2012, and you were complaining because not enough people were dying in the movie and you'd rather have been watching ninja assassin :) we didn't really know each other that well back then, and i wish we could have gotten to be good friends sooner. but i'm glad i have that memory of hanging out with you and i'm glad i can remember random details about that day, like the ninja shirt that you were wearing! :) and i remember when jocelyn and i were taking bets as to whether or not you could get a date. i still have the contract that you signed as barney! :) ahh...the good times. i really had a blast this year. don't change.

Now wasnt that cute, but deadfully long? I haven't even finished reading yet.

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