July 15, 2010

Hello phone. I think you will be my new best friend.

Well I woke up today and I went on skype to chat a bit until about 2pm I had my music lessons. it was really hot today. 100 fucking degrees! HOT! I got home and I still chatted on the phone for a while. Then one of my friends came over. he live like 5 minutes away on foot. We played House of the Dead 2&3 on my Wii, which I barely ever touch. We shot dead zombies. :] Then Super Mario Galaxy. Yay. We after went to his house where we chilled with his sister, and played Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I haven't played so many video games in like ever. I eventually got home at 7:25 ish, and my dad was there. he told me I got unlimited txt. yes! And I have been pretty much txting and chatting with people online since. Wow. today seemed more eventful when I was doing it...yeah.

Gonna have fun tomorrow.

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