July 2, 2010

My day starts at 1pm

So I actually woke up at like 9:08 today, which for me is quite late. I'm such a morning person, but I stay up late...so what I'm trying to say is I'm okay with morning and night, but I am like bleh at mid-day. Well...moving on. I didn't have summer school today :D. Yippie! I watched tv today, which consisted with Glee, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Buffy is an amazing show. I ate lunch, and that was instant noodles. Well I chatted with Robert today, and he introduced me to some cool people he was chatting to. They were all really cool. ahaha. They all had blogs, I think. Soon after I went to the pool. I invited my friend Kat, and her little brother, Jet. Kat and I just kinda waded and chatted, while Jet was swimming and stuff. We had funny. haha. It was all pretty cool. I walked them home, since they only like live like a couple houses away. I then went home and then had dinner. Yum. Spaghetti :] Wow I did like nothing today. Well right now I'm chatting with Luciano, and other people on Facebook. I'm listening to my iPod. The song currently playing is I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic!at the Disco. Well I'm probably just going to chat with people tonight and...yeah.

I hope I didn't bore you too much.


  1. Buffy is freaking amazing!! I hear that a movie is in the works.

  2. Really?! I can't wait! Great show.
