Stole from a friend. Well I asked for permission so...I guess it doesnt really count.
Random Questions About You:
Spell your name without vowels: rk
Your favorite number : 12, and 21...formerly 24, but not 42
What color do you wear most : Black, white, blue
Least favorite color : orange, yellow, some shades of brown
What are you listening to : the tv that my dad is watching pretty much behind me
Are you happy with your life right now : Yup, there are always wants but pretty much happy
Whats your favorite class : I’m not currently in school, but AP HuG (human geography)
When do you start back at school/college : September
Are you outgoing: If you know me enough
Favorite pair of shoes : My friends
Can you dance : Wanna find out :D ahaha.
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth : Nope
Can you whistle : Yes.
Write with both hands : Nope. not at all.
Cross your eyes : Idk, never had to figure it out
Walk with your toes curled : Mhmm
Do you believe there is life on other planets : No answer
Do you believe in miracles : Yes, child birth.
Do you believe in magic : most definitely :]
Love at first sight: Romantic love? not so much. Any other kind of love? yes, when you first so your child.
Do you believe in Satan : Nope, not really.
Do you believe in Santa : I only wish...
Do you know how to swim: yes of course
Do you like roller coasters : At times...some I'm kinda freaked by.
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows : Mhmm. stomach and appetite of cast iron
Have you ever been on a plane : Many, hate airsickness.
Have you ever been to the ocean : Southern yes.
Have you ever painted your nails : Nope. Dont plan to.
What is the temperature outside : Idk
What radio station do you listen to : my iPod :D
What was the last restaurant you ate at: McDonalds...if that counts
What was the last thing you bought : Shirt, and other clothes.
What was the last thing on TV you watched : The world cup...kinda.
Who was the last person you texted: Caitlin. I was telling her I was outta txt
Who was the last person you took a picture of : uhhh myself. I'm conceited.
Who was the last person you said I love you to : My lil sister, I think.
Ever really cried your heart out : yeah, but I wasnt balling. just emotional. kind of a dry cry.
Ever cried yourself to sleep : Nope. Not really. I can't sleep sad.
Ever cried on your friend’s shoulder : Uhhh...maybe?
Ever cried over the opposite sex : Uhhh not romantically or sexually
Do you cry when you get an injury: nope. well I havent really been injured that bad so...idk
Do certain songs make you cry : they make me think of crying
Are you a happy person: most definitely
What is your current hair color: dark dark brown, pretty much black.
What shirt are you wearing : Black tank top
Pants : black pajama shorts.
Shoes: none.
Necklaces : not wearing one.
Underwear : black boxer briefs shorts things.
Favorite eye color : Gray or Blue.
Short or long hair : short or medium.
Height : Any as long as they aren't like midgets
or giants
Been in jail : no. I'm a good boy :D ahaha.
Mooned someone : I dont think so.
Laughed so hard, you cried : AHAHA YES!!!
Cried in school : Allergies suck!
Thrown up in a store : I dont believe so.
Wanted to be a model: never.
Seen a dead body : at funerals. and tv. and the internet. they gross me out.
Been on drugs : prescribed drugs :]
Gone skinny dipping : Nope
Pepsi or Coke : Pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King : McDonalds
Single or Group Dates : Single
Chocolate or Vanilla : Vanilla
Strawberries or Blueberries : Blueberries.
Meat or Veggies : Both.
TV or Movie : Could never choose.
Guitar or Drums : Guitar. for sure.
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Quite interesting!